Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
sumalangit nawa ang mga nasawi.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

By J.T. O'Donnell
Feel like you always fall out of love with your jobs? Does this sound familiar?
"In the beginning, I couldn't wait to get to the office. I loved the company, my boss, my peers and my job. Then, the excitement started to go away and I realized that it was all in my mind. The job I fell in love with is just like every other job I've had: It's repetitive, tedious and long. I end up feeling like a failure because I can't find a job that makes me happy."
If you can relate to this scenario, let me share a secret: Work is like peanut butter.
Phase one: The introduction
Think back to when you were first introduced to peanut butter. You were most likely a kid, who had tasted only healthy foods that were dull but good for you, like fruits, veggies, toast and crackers.
One day, someone put a sandwich in front of you and said, "Try this." You took a bite and your taste buds went nuts for the sweet candylike treat that was easy to chew and full of yummy flavor. Your little brain probably said, "Is this a mistake? Do they know what I'm eating?" At which point, you immediately thought, "I better show them I like this," and you wolfed it down.
The same thing happens when you go on an interview and like what you see and hear. Your brain gets really excited with the possibility of something new and delicious entering your life on a regular basis. You do whatever it takes to land the job, and then you celebrate like a 4-year-old when you get the offer letter. But let's return to our story.
The grown-up who gave you the sandwich is so impressed with the way you devoured it, you're told you can have it again. You opt to have it every day. If you could, you'd eat it for breakfast, lunch AND dinner.
Phase two: Boredom sets in
One day, you realize that peanut butter is a bit boring. It doesn't have the same appeal it did when you first tasted it, but now, it's been added to the "healthy foods" list and you're told you HAVE to eat it. The very thing that you were craving just a few weeks earlier is now something you loathe. You're given some new variations -- jelly, Fluff, no-crust, on celery with raisins. The presentation is altered, but it doesn't change the fact that you are really tired of peanut butter.
The same thing happens when you realize that your job is actually work; it's something you must do. You've agreed to do the job, so you need to show up and complete the work, whether you feel like it or not.
You try to liven up the job by taking on different assignments or learning a new skill, but it still doesn't change the fact that you must do this job. Perhaps you call in sick for a mental health day or plan a vacation. Yet, you still have to return to the job at some point. So how do you fix your aversion to work? Let's see how the peanut butter story turns out.
Phase three: Hatred is evident
You became so sick of peanut butter that you announce, "I hate peanut butter." You are given some other foods to try. First, you get liverwurst. You gag and ask for carrots. The next day, you get tuna; you won't even try it. On the third day, you are offered egg salad. You immediately ask to go to your room and skip eating altogether.
Phase four: Pleased to see you again
On the fourth day, peanut butter is set down in front of you, and you are actually pleased. There is your trusted friend, the food you can count on to appease your hunger without making you nauseous. You eat it and think, "Ahh, peanut butter, you are not so bad." You go on to develop a strong bond with a food that you know is not ideal, but reliable. You accept it for what it is and what it can do for you. You are satisfied.
Work is no different. You could go to your boss and let her know you are looking to feel more challenged but, if you can't be specific as to what you need and what you want to do, you'll most likely be given more work that you don't love.
Meanwhile, your boss may get upset that you aren't grateful for the efforts to help you and could resent your attitude -- especially if you say you don't want the extra work anymore and will just stick with the job you said wasn't working for you in the first place. I guarantee she'll assume you are looking to leave and will no longer want to invest time and energy into your professional development.
If you can work through the phase where you loathe the repetitive, unexciting nature of your job and recognize that the skills and experience you are acquiring are enabling you to do a good job without a lot of pressure or stress, perhaps you'll finally give your job a break and stop expecting so much from it. Your work is not always going to make you feel amazing and wonderful.
In times when you aren't "feeling the love," try to appreciate your job for what it does give you: a steady paycheck, benefits, a place to learn and build your skill sets so you'll always be employable, or the opportunity to build professional friendships that could help in the future. You could end up feeling a lot better about work in general.
Now that you understand how work is like peanut butter, why not take a peanut butter sandwich to your job tomorrow and be grateful for what they both provide -- sustenance.
J.T. O'Donnell is a nationally syndicated workplace columnist and author of the book "Careerealism: The Smart Approach to a Satisfying Career."
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
salamat, ate ia! (",)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
anyway, i just thought of this organizer coz men's health has listed 2 of starbucks' drinks in its top 20 unhealthiest drinks! according to the authors david zinczenko and matt goulding, these 20 drinks are the "most bloating beverages in gas stations, bars, smoothie counters, and coffee shops across america".
Saturday, November 15, 2008
i got this email from celine, who got married in january of this year and is on her 8 month pregnancy (first) and is expecting a boy! congrats celine! although we've been friends since grade 3 (tagal na!), i rarely get emails from her, so i was surprised when i got this one. but at first, i thought of actually ignoring this one coz it's just one of those forwarded emails. good thing i decided to read thru coz the message is inspiring and it's a breezy read.
The Pastor and his Son
A good reminder of God's Love.
Every Sunday afternoon, after the morning service at the church, the Pastor and his eleven year old son would go out into their town and hand out Gospel Tracts.
This particular Sunday afternoon, as it came time for the Pastor and his son to go to the streets with their tracts, it was very cold outside, as well as pouring down rain. The boy bundled up in his warmest and driest clothes and said, "OK, dad, I'm ready."
His Pastor dad asked, "Ready for what?"
"Dad, it's time we gather our tracts together and go out." Dad responds, "Son, it's very cold outside and it's pouring down rain."
The boy gives his dad a surprised look, asking, "But Dad, aren't people still going to Hell, even though it's raining?"
Dad answers, "Son, I am not going out in this weather." Despondently, the boy asks, "Dad, can I go? Please?"
His father hesitated for a moment then said, "Son, you can go. Here are the tracts, be careful son."
"Thanks Dad!"
And with that, he was off and out into the rain. his eleven year old boy walked the streets of the town going door to door and handing everybody he met in the street a Gospel Tract.
After two hours of walking in the rain, he was soaking, bone-chilled wet and down to his VERY LAST TRACT. He stopped on a corner and looked for someone to hand a tract to, but the streets were totally deserted.
Then he turned toward the first home he saw and started up the sidewalk to the front door and rang the door bell. He rang the bell, but nobody answered. He rang it again and again, but still no one answered. He waited but still no answer.
Finally, this eleven year old trooper turned to leave, but something stopped him. Again, he turned to the door and rang the bell and knocked loudly on the door with his fist. He waited, something holding him there on the front porch! He rang again and this time the door slowly opened. Standing in the doorway was a very sad-looking elderly lady. She softly asked, "What can I do for you, son?" With radiant eyes and a smile that lit up her world, this little boy said, "Ma'am, I'm sorry if I disturbed you, but I just want to tell you that *JESUS REALLY DOES LOVE YOU* and I came to give you my very last Gospel Tract which will tell you all about JESUS and His great LOVE."
With that, he handed her his last tract and turned to leave. She called to him as he departed. "Thank you, son! And God Bless You!"
Well, the following Sunday morning in church Pastor Dad was in the pulpit. As the service began, he asked, "Does anybody have any testimony or want to say anything?"
Slowly, in the back row of the church, an elderly lady stood to her feet. As she began to speak, a look of glorious radiance came from her face, "No one in this church knows me. I've never been here before. You see, before last Sunday I was not a Christian. My husband passed on some time ago, leaving me totally alone in this world. Last Sunday, being a particularly cold and rainy day, it was even more so in my heart that I came to the end of the line where I no longer had any hope or will to live.
So I took a rope and a chair and ascended the stairway into the attic of my home. I fastened the rope securely to a rafter in the roof, then stood on the chair and fastened the other end of the rope around my neck. Standing on that chair, so lonely and brokenhearted I was about to leap off, when suddenly the loud ringing of my doorbell downstairs startled me. I thought, "I'll wait a minute, and whoever it is will go away." I waited and waited, but the ringing doorbell seemed to get louder and more insistent, and then the person ringing also started knocking loudly. I thought to myself again, "Who on earth could this be? Nobody ever rings my bell or comes to see me." I loosened the rope from my neck and started for the front door, all the while the bell rang louder and louder.
When I opened the door and looked I could hardly believe my eyes, for there on my front porch was the most radiant and angelic little boy I had ever seen in my life. His SMILE, oh, I could never describe it to you! The words that came from his mouth caused my heart that had long been dead, TO LEAP TO LIFE as he exclaimed with a cherub-like voice, "Ma'am, I just came to tell you that JESUS REALLY DOES LOVE YOU." Then he gave me this Gospel Tract that I now hold in my hand.
As the little angel disappeared back out into the cold and rain, I closed my door and read slowly every word of this Gospel Tract. Then I went up to my attic to get my rope and chair. I wouldn't be needing them any more.
You see---I am now a Happy Child of the KING. Since the address of your church was on the back of this Gospel Tract, I have come here to personally say THANK YOU to God's little angel who came just in the nick of time and by so doing, spared my soul from an eternity in hell."
There was not a dry eye in the church. And as shouts of praise and honor to THE KING resounded off the very rafters of the building, Pastor Dad descended from the pulpit to the front pew where the little angel was seated.
He took his son in his arms and sobbed uncontrollably. Probably no church has had a more glorious moment, and probably this universe has never seen a Papa that was more filled with love & honor for his son... Except for One.
Our Father also allowed His Son to go out into a cold and dark world. He received His Son back with joy unspeakable, and as all of heaven shouted praises and honor to The King, the Father sat His beloved Son on a throne far above all principality and power and every name that is named.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
i'm so liking survivor philippines.
i'm more of a kapamilya than kapuso coz i find that most gma primetime shows are too campy (asero, kamandag) or just plain copies of international hits like lord of the rings (although i enjoyed encantadia, their best fantaserye to date), harry potter (majika), smallville (captain barbell) among others. their dramas fare poorly against abs-cbn's, not because they don't have competent actors, but i think they lack the same pool of writers who can concoct viral lines that could give old teleserye themes new twists and exciting.
it's a totally different story with some of gma's reality shows. i liked extra challenge coz of the celebrity factor in it, as well as the creative challenges that they've done. but i think gma found gold with survivor philippines! although it should have not been billed as "survivor philippines" coz it was done in thailand (more apt could be pinoy survivor: thailand), gma's version doesn’t have those sappy storylines ala-abs-cbn's reality shows. instead, survivor ph focuses on what's important – building up the excitement through series of challenges and the usual survivor gapangan and scheming tactics of the castaways. there might be some cliffhangers here and there but the show stays true to the nature of the game and does not dwell on make believe stories. i think what's working for me in this show is that they did not force the contestants to play a certain pre-arranged or pre-themed role so as to supposedly make the series more exciting. there are no lingering sub-stories that are shown over a long period of time. in short, gma didn't do an overkill on this one! that's very good. coz it will get tiring especially if you see it everyday, unlike u.s. survivor shows which are shown once a week only.
i'm so glad that kiko got the boot this early. with his departure, it would be nice to see how "followers" would chart their own strategies, especially as sir kiko seems to have called all the shots and decided for the whole tribe, all in what he had branded as tribe spirit! i think marlon will also be voted off very soon, so next episodes will be exciting as well. teka, i've seen some blog entries that jc is the sole survivor, supposedly leaked by a survivor ph crew to a friend. i hope that this isn't true coz it would kill all the excitement! we'll see.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
then in 2004, i went back again to intramuros to tour maggie and mike, with kr and farrah. when pao-shen was here, we went to fort santiago and had a calesa ride to see the place again. and then this june, it was another intramuros trip... but now with mujin, mylene, cathy, zel, michael and kr. i can say that the last 3 tours were products of us wanting to showcase filipino hospitality by bringing colleagues from other countries to see our heritage sites. although the last one was just an alternative to the initially planned tagaytay trip, intramuros still provided the necessary while-away activity for mujin. its proximity to makati and its historical significance make intramuros a good stop for any of our colleagues who were able to extend their stay up to saturday or for those who got an earlier sunday flight.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
i just hope that as president, he performs as good as he charismatically delivers his speeches. it would be disappointing if he'll turn out as another lameduck after the big hullabaloo about his presidency. but his entry to the white house would definitely be challenging, with all the economic slowdown and recession issues abounding.
now the question is, with his presidency, will the philippines lose some major bpo-related investments coming from the u.s.? he and senior democrats already mentioned that they don't want jobs going out of u.s., so cuts on bpo projects would have to be implemented in some way. but of course, it doesn't mean that the philippines will lose out on all projects coz of the ultra cheap labor that we offer and our inherent strengths when it comes to the services industry. we'll see.
on another note, i wish to see the same quick conclusion to national elections here in the philippines! it's just too tiring to see dreadful weeks of manual counting and tabulation from across the country, only to be rigged on a national level. i doubt if a speedy election would happen in the near future. but i'm still hoping…
Sunday, November 2, 2008

pasko naman ang pagkakaabalahan ko! (",)