Wednesday, November 5, 2008


it's official. obama is now the new president of the u.s. his charisma, intelligence and celebrity-ridden campaign has carried him to this historic win. i personally think that the "coolness" of having their first african-american president and mccain's old age and being close to bush have also been significant factors. slate says that the issue on economy ultimately killed mccain's chances.

i just hope that as president, he performs as good as he charismatically delivers his speeches. it would be disappointing if he'll turn out as another lameduck after the big hullabaloo about his presidency. but his entry to the white house would definitely be challenging, with all the economic slowdown and recession issues abounding.

now the question is, with his presidency, will the philippines lose some major bpo-related investments coming from the u.s.? he and senior democrats already mentioned that they don't want jobs going out of u.s., so cuts on bpo projects would have to be implemented in some way. but of course, it doesn't mean that the philippines will lose out on all projects coz of the ultra cheap labor that we offer and our inherent strengths when it comes to the services industry. we'll see.

on another note, i wish to see the same quick conclusion to national elections here in the philippines! it's just too tiring to see dreadful weeks of manual counting and tabulation from across the country, only to be rigged on a national level. i doubt if a speedy election would happen in the near future. but i'm still hoping…

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