Tuesday, June 7, 2011


how do you go about a meeting about "the final solution"? would that be just "another day in the office"? or you'd take the discussion as just "taking orders" and "fulfilling my duties" as a soldier or a nazi officer?

this HBO movie is a chilling account of the banality of evil... how ordinately people of high intellect succumbed to "call of duty" and ultimately abandoned their humanity to relieve nazi germany of their so-called unwanted war baggages called jews. while branagh's heydrich maneuvered the meeting to put off any forms of objections, naked threats helped dousing untoward abhorrence of the unspeakable but ultimately established mechanisms on mechanical extermination of jews across europe.

to some, the movie might be wrangly and talky. but conspiracy's sharp, shrewd script and excellent cast headed by kenneth branagh, stanley tucci and colin firth, made it a devastatingly outstanding filmfare. as the meeting progresses, any viewer will be transfixed to watch intelligent discussions on logistics, ideology, law, race, history, science, military parameters... all valid reasons swamped by grotesque view of cleansing germany (and europe) and achieve racial superiority. cold and obviously aversed of any goodness, heydrich, eichmann and the rest, traded funny punches about man's history, while stamping approval on what will be known as holocaust.

Adolf Eichmann: Now, last summer Reichsführer Himmler asked me to visit a camp up in Upper Silesia, called Auschwitz, which is very well isolated, and close to significant rail access. And we are turning that camp into a major center, solid structures (and here's where your Jewish labor comes into play, Herr Neumann, the Jews haul the bricks and they build the buildings themselves). And when the structures are complete, we expect to be able to process 2500... an hour. Not a day, an hour... At 24 hours a day, that is 60,000... That's 21,900,000 Jews a year, if ever there were that many... Yes, it'll be industrial in nature: large commercial gas-fed ovens, no residue to speak of.

Heydrich: [to Kritzinger] Well then, this is the moment to be practical, until such time as Germany can afford your philosophy, which is what? Hunt them, impoverish them, exploit them, imprison them, just do not kill them. And you are thought the nobelist of men? I find that, uh, truly remarkable.

conspiracy is the historical recreation of the 1942 Wannsee Conference, in which Nazi and SS leaders gathered in a Berlin suburb to discuss the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question". led by SS-General Reinhard Heydrich, this group of high ranking German officials came to the historic and far reaching decision that the Jews of Europe were to be exterminated in what would come to be known as the Holocaust.

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